Approximations of Value / Appraisals

Most importantly, we  (love) turquoise jewelry!  

As a matter of fact, we can determine an approximation of value of your Native American Indian Jewelry:

  • Equally important, we sell thousands of dollars of turquoise jewelry each week!
  • In like manner, we personally cut turquoise from the rough stone, shape turquoise for jewelry, and silversmith the finished product.
  • Also, we have mined turquoise with Dean Otteson, owner of Royston district turquoise mines.
  • Finally, we have hunted turquoise in Bisbee at the No. 7 tailing area at the invitation of Freeport McMoRan Mining Firm.

Furthermore, a verbal approximation of value of your Native Southwest jewelry costs you only $39.95 per item.  

  1. In the first place, we offer this service for walk-in clients & over the Internet! 
  2. Secondly, for internet customers: just e-mail:                                                                      (A) detailed digital photographs of your piece(s) showing close-up shots of the front and back and any other helpful angles. e-mail:                                                                       (B) measurements of piece (i.e. length of necklace, etc.)                               (C) the weight of the piece
  3. I accept paypal payment for this service through my paypal account – which is 

*Notably, this service is NOT a formal written appraisal, but is an estimate of value based on 30 years of experience and continuing education through visiting other dealers and their shops, Indian jewelry shows, as well as local and national Indian Markets. Also, we utilize paid subscription internet sites for the latest information.

We are also experienced appraisers who can write a formal written appraisal:

Feedback from a recent internet client (8/17/2015):

Hello Dwight: 

I want to thank you for the wonderfully detailed appraisal of my squash blossom necklace – right down to the details of the maker of the piece. Incredible work! I am astounded!
All the best,
John H.

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Dwight is the featured appraiser on the “Dig Wars – Ruby Az.” © on the Travel Channel © first aired on July 3, 2013


Old Pawn Jewelry 1990 – 2021 © Schannep Ventures L.L.C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED